SGIR 2019 Call for Participation



2019年6月22日至23日德国 海德堡 

主办 :

中国留德学者计算机学会 (GCI)


CRB Robotics AG

 CRB Antriebstechnik GmbH 






继 2016 年第一届中德智能机器人论坛的成功举办,中国留德学者计算机学会将于 2019 年举办第二届中德智能机器人论坛。本次论坛的主题是“大数据与智能机器人”。此次论坛旨在加强中德学术及企业间的交流,邀请在计算机科学,工业自动化与机器人领域中的知名学者,专家和企业领袖就目前在人工智能,先进制造与智能机器人等领域进行深入探讨。在本次论坛中学术和企业领域的专家们将展示目前世界上最先进的机器人前沿理论和技术,以开放的探讨模式来探寻和研究未来智能机器人的走向及应用。 




对此两国分别提出了自己的战略目标:“中国制造 2025”和“工业 4.0”。智能机器人作为战略中的最重要一环受到了两国政府,工业和学术界前所未有的关注和重视。 众所周知,机器人作为机械,信息和自动化技术高度发展的产物已经广泛应用于我们的生产和生活。在工业,农业,航空航天,海洋开发,服务,医疗,教育等领域的各行各业, 我们都可以见到机器人繁忙的身影。近年来随着微电子技术,计算机科学,认知心理学,神经科学的发展,机器智能在多学科交叉研究的框架下正以前所未有的速度向前推进着。与此同时在机器人工程科学的指引下,各种新颖的应用驱动型机器人样机也在不断的涌现。 



(1) 与会者可以了解中德两国机器人及智能技术领域最前沿的研究 

(2) 以多学科交叉和学术交流的方式加强中德间的互识,为未来的合作做铺垫 

(3) 对接科学家,工程师与企业需求, 推进人工智能及机器人项目的落地与产业化 





  • 现场机器人—工业机器人,农业机器人,水下机器人,空间机器人,人形机器人

  • 自主机器人

  • 人机交互

  • 高级智能感知技术

  • 人工智能,认知与机器人

  • 无人驾驶技术及应用

  • 机器人应用技术在工业4.0及中国制造2025



  • 张建伟教授, 德国汉堡大学信息学科学系教授,多模态技术研究所所长,德国汉堡科学院院士
    • Title:机器人智能的图灵测试及模块构建
  • 李浦教授,伊尔梅瑙工业大学系统工程和自动化研究所教授
    • Title: Development of optimization approaches and application in autonomous driving
  • 汤奇荣教授,同济大学机器人技术与多体系统实验室教授
    • Title: Swarm Intelligence and its Robotics Application
  • Prof. Patrick C. K. Hung, Faculty of Business and IT, Ontario Tech University, Canada
    • Title: Children's Privacy Protection Engine from Smart Anthorpomorphic Toys to Robots
  • 万伟伟教授, 大阪大学副教授
    • Title: Quickly deploying dual arm robots for next generation manufacutring
  • 韩子天教授, 澳门科技大学副教授
    • Title: Social robot for in-car assistant
  • 冀大雄教授, 浙江大学海洋学院副教授
    • Title:Fault Diagnosis of Underwater Vehicle Propulsion System Based on Deep Learning
  • 曾利敏博士, Wandelbots GmbH, 大中华区首席代表,资深研究员
    • Title:打造工业4.0中的新一代智能机器人
  • 任向阳博士, 麦格米特德国公司总经理
    • Title:现代控制器设计
  • 丁昊博士, 崧智智能ORIGITECHCEO、联合创始人
    • Title:AI powered robotics: robotic skill for industrial automation
  • 王玉全博士CNRS-LIRMM, France, 研究员 (RSS论文入选者)
    • TitleImpact-friendly robust control design with task-space quadratic optimization
  • 冯迪,乌尔姆大学及罗伯特博世(德国),博士生
    • Title: Towards Safe Autonomous Driving: Capture Uncertainties in a Deep Neural Network for LiDAR 3D Object Detection
  • 李国豪,阿卜杜拉国王科技大学,博士生(RSS论文入选者)
    • Title: OIL: Observational Imitation Learning







每个报告者应提交一份1至3页的摘要(参考“投稿指南”)或论文原文。它们可以用中文或英文书写并将在会议录及主办者网页上发表。请投稿者于6月5日把论文或摘要以微软Word的形式电邮给机器人论坛组委会:该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。。 



  1. 如您意在参加会议,请于2019年6月15日前点击此处在线报名。 

  2. 如您报名且提交报告,请用如上方式在2019年6月15日前填表报名, 并请于2019年6月5日讲稿件发送至机器人论坛组委会:该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。

  3. 请愿意加入中国留德学者计算机学会的报名者填写附件 B:中国留德学者计算机学会入会申请表。 



报告的语言是中文或英语。一般报告的时间为:第一天大会特邀报告45分钟。第二天学术报告30分钟(一般为25分钟报告,5分钟提问)。报告的投影片可用中文或英文书写。 推荐使用微软 PowerPoint。会议将提供视频投影仪。 



 中德科教园,Forum 7, 69126 Heidelberg,Germany   驾车路线乘火车路线



  • 国内代表团参加此次论坛活动的注册费为每人350 欧元,用于会议的活动组织、材料印刷、午晚餐、交通安排、参会邀请信等。

  • 德国本地参会者注册费为每人25欧元(包括会议期间的茶歇费用)。

  • 6月22日晚餐15欧元。

  • 整个会议期间的其它饮料费用自理。



  • 对不能从工作单位报销差旅的特邀报告人补贴旅费、双人间一个床位、6月22日晚餐、参会者注册费。单人间差价自理。补助2等铁路的车票或每公里0.20欧元的汽油费,距离400公里以内的补助不能超过70欧,距离400公里以上的补助不能超过110欧。

  • 对不能从工作单位报销差旅的一般报告人补贴双人间一个床位、6月22日晚餐、参会者注册费。路费和单人间差价自理。

  • 对于计算机学会正式会员补贴参会者注册费、6月22日晚餐。住宿及路费自理。



为了节省当天的报名工作,请从参会者于会议前6月15日把相关费用汇到下述会议帐户并在转帐单上注明“GCI SGIR 2019”字样和姓名:

户主:GCI E.V.

IBAN: DE70661900000010406366 


银行:Volksbank Karlsruhe


报告人要住单人间的话,请补齐差价每位43欧元。除报告人外,其它用餐者请预交,6月22日自助晚餐15欧元, 会议注册费25欧元



SGIR 2019 Program 





2nd Sino-German symposium on Intelligent Robots

 22-23 June 2019, Heidelberg, Germany

Organizer :

Gesellschaft Chinesischer Informatiker in Deutschland e.V.


CRB Robotics AG

 CRB Antriebstechnik GmbH 

Sino German Hi-Tech Park



Abteilung für Bildungswesen der Botschaft der Volksrepublik China in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland



Following the successful 1st Sino-German symposium on Intelligent Robots (SGIR) in 2016, Gesellschaft Chinesischer Informatiker in Deutschland e.V. (GCI) is happy to announce that the 2nd SGIR will take place in 22-23 June 2019, in the beautiful Heidelberg, Germany.

The main purpose of this symposium is to provide an open platform for the technical experts, executives in enterprise and government, and tech enthusiasts to discuss the most recent and major advances in AI and Robotics domain. Via this symposium, we hope that the participants are able to get to know more about the scientific, technical and policy progress of AI and Robotics in China and Germany. We also hope that the technical experts and enterprise leaders can exchange their ideas in technical achievements and real requirements in companies and pave the path for the fruitful collaboration in future.

We would like you to enjoy not only the scientific and technology side of the sympoium, but also the hospitality of Heidelberg and its citizens, its romantic cityscape, including Heidelberg Castle, the Philosophers' Walk, and the baroque style Old Town.


Call for Participation


The talks in symposium are organized with single track mode. All participants have chance to listen all talks from the invited speakers. The talks include but not limited with following topics:

  • Field Robots—industry, agriculture, underwater, space and service robots
  • Autonomous Robots
  • Human Robot Interaction
  • Advanced Intelligent Sensing Technology
  • Artificial Intelligence and Recognition for Robots
  • Robots Application in Industry 4.0 and Made in China 2025.


Confirmed speakers


  • Prof. Jianwei Zhang, Hamburg University
    •  Title: Intelligent Robots' Turing Test and Modules Construction
  • Prof. Pu LiGroup of Process Optimization, Institute of Automation and Systems Engineering, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    • Title: Development of optimization approaches and application in autonomous driving
  • Prof. Qirong Tang, Tongji University
    •  Title: Swarm Intelligence and its Robotics Application
  • Prof. Patrick C. K. Hung, Faculty of Business and IT, Ontario Tech University, Canada
    • Title: Children's Privacy Protection Engine from Smart Anthorpomorphic Toys to Robots
  • Associate Prof. Weiwei Wan, Osaka University
    • Title: Quickly deploying dual arm robots for next generation manufacutring
  • Associate Prof. Chi Tin Han, Macau University of Science and Technology#
    • Title: Social robot for in-car assistant
  • Associate Prof. Daxiong Ji, Ocean college of Zhejiang University
    • Title: Fault Diagnosis of Underwater Vehicle Propulsion System Based on Deep Learning
  • Dr. Limin Zeng, chief representative of China & Principle Researcher, Wandelbots GmbH
    • Title: New generation intelligent robots in Industry4.0
  • Dr. Xiangyang Ren, Managing Director, Megmeet Germany GmbH
    • Title: Modern Controller designing
  • Dr. Hao Ding, CEO, Co-founder, ORIGITECH
    • Title: AI powered robotics: robotic skill for industrial automation
  • Dr. Yuquang Wang, Scientific Researcher, CNRS-LIRMM, France
    • Title: Impact-friendly robust control design with task-space quadratic optimization
  • Mr. Di Feng, PhD student, Ulm University, Germany
    • Title: Towards Safe Autonomous Driving: Capture Uncertainties in a Deep Neural Network for LiDAR 3D Object Detection
  • Mr. Guohao Li, PhD student, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
    • Title: OIL: Observational Imitation Learning

Important dates

Deadline for sending an abstract of the talk: June 5, 2019

Registration date: Registration will be completed from now until June 15, 2019.

Submission method

Each reporter should submit an abstract of 1 to 3 pages (refer to the “Guidelines for Submissions”) or the original paper. It can be written in Chinese or English and will be published on the conference proceedings and on the sponsor's website. The contributor should email the paper or abstract to the Robot Forum Organizing Committee in the form of Microsoft Word by June 5th该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。.

Sign up

If you are interested in attending the symposium, please click here to register online before June 15, 2019.

The regular registration fee ist 25 EUR, for students the registration fee is 15 EUR (a copy of student ID card is required). Please tranfer the registration fee to the GCI bank account (IBAN: DE70661900000010406366, Volksbank Karlsruhe) with comment "GCI SGIR 2019" and your name

If you are willing to submit an abstract or a paper, please register online before June 15, 2019, and send the manuscript to the Robot Forum Organizing Committee before June 5, 2019该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 .

If you are willing to join GCI, please fill the application form attached in the online registration form.

Talk requirements

The language of the talk is Chinese or English. The time of the talk is 45 minutes on the first day for invited speakers. The academic talk on the second day is 30 minutes (usually a 25-minute talk and a 5-minute discussion). The slides can be written in Chinese or English. Microsoft PowerPoint is recommended. A projector will be available in the conference room.


Sino-German Hi-Tech Park, Forum 7, 69126 Heidelberg, Germany   Route by CarRoute by Train


SGIR 2019 Program

We are looking forward to seeing you at SGIR 2019!